Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sweet Shiny Coconut Sticky Rice (Thai Dessert) - Khao Niew Kaew ข้าวเหนียวแก้ว

Previous post, cookingrecipekh provided a recipe for making Thai sticky rice dessert called Sweet Sticky Rice Cake or Khao Niew Tad. In this post, cookingrecipekh will provide another Thai sticky rice dessert called "Sweet shiny coconut sticky rice Khao Niew Kaew".

Sweet shiny coconut sticky rice dessert is very popular in Thailand and regular used in party and ceremony.

It is made from Thai sticky rice, coconut milk, sugar mixed together and add colored for more beautiful, normally green color from pandan leaves.

You can find this sweet in variety of color such as pink yellow or blue. In traditional cooking only natural color will be used in this sweet.
Ingridients: For 3-5 portions
  • 1 cup sticky rice, soak overnight
  • 1 cup coconut cream
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup pandan leaf juice, concentrate
  • 1 tbsp. white sesame
How to cook:
  1. Rinse sticky rice
  2. Steam sticky rice over high heat around 20-25 minutes
  3. Mix cooked sticky rice with coconut milk
  4. Cover and rest them around 10 minutes
  5. Pour mixture into brass pan
  6. Add sugar and mix well
  7. Heat pan over low heat
  8. Stirring until sugar dissolve completely
  9. Add pandan leaf juice
  10. Keep stirring until thick
  11. Serve on pandan leaf cup and sprinkle with white sesame
  12. Ready to serve

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