Thursday, June 9, 2016

Sago in Coconut Milk with Corn (Thai Dessert) - สาคูเปียกข้าวโพด

Sago in coconut milk with corn is one of delicious Thai dessert. Do you want to know the recipes?
Best cooking recipes will provide this Thai dessert recipes today.
This Thai dessert is easily to do it at home, just several ingredients.

Sago will be boiled until soft and put sweet corn and fresh pandan leaves to boil with until done. This menu will be served with coconut milk. The taste is sweet from corn, salty from coconut milk and feels soft from sago.
Ingridients: for 5-6 portions
  • 150 g. Sago
  • 200 g. corn
  • 4 cup of water
  • 200 g. sugar
Ingridients: Coconut cream
  • 1 cup coconut cream
  • 1 tbsp. rice flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup of water
How to cook:
  1. Mix rice flour with water in pot
  2. Add water, salt, and coconut cream on medium low heat
  3. boil the coconut cream mixture until thick
  4. Boiled water and add sago
  5. Keep stirring until sago is cook
  6. Add sugar and corn
  7. Stiring and set aside
  8. Serve the dessert with coconut cream

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