Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Thai Pumpkin Custard

Thai pumpkin custard or Sankaya Fakthong is a popular Thai dessert that is easy to find in fresh-food market in the morning. 

Sankaya is a sweet custard that we stuff in the whole pumpkin and steamed it. This menu is quite easy to do ta home and also nice to show everyone and serve with the whole pumpkin.

Ingridients: for 4-5 portions
  • 1 pumpkin (400-600g)
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 ml. coconut cream
  • 300 g. palm sugar
  • 2 tbsp. rice flour
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1000 ml. limewater
  • pandan leaves
How to cook:
  1. Wash and cut out the top
  2. Remove all the seeds and the stringy insides
  3. Soak in limewater 20-30 minute
  4. In a mixing bowl crack the eggs, add salt, coconut milk, rice flour, and palm sugar
  5. Mix well by the hand with pandan leaves until the palm sugar is dissolve
  6. Stain with cheesecloth and pour the mixture into the pumpkin
  7. Bring water to boil in a steamer
  8. Then place the pumpkin inside the steamer basket
  9. Do not cover the pumpkin with the lid
  10. Steam for about 40-50 minutes
  11. Remove the basket from the steamer and let the pumpkin cool down
  12. When you are ready to serve, take a knife and cut a wedge out of the pumpkin just as if it were a pie

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